‘Tayo ang tutugon’: Various artists launch album highlighting key issues in upcoming polls
November 9 – What better way to drumbeat pressing issues of the day than through music?
This is the concept behind the album “Tayo ang Tutugon,” a collaborative music album produced by various artists, singers, songwriters, and instrumentalists under the newly-formed collective Musicians for Democracy (MD).
“Tayo ang Tutugon” features newly composed and produced songs and music videos, and will be launched on November 10, six months before the 2022 polls.
The album tackles a wide range of issues including the deteriorating human rights situation in the country, worsening poverty, the failed government response to the Covid-19 pandemic, burgeoning corruption, the proliferation of political dynasties, the West Philippine Sea issue, and the destruction of the environment.
“MD believes that these are important and urgent issues that should be discussed by candidates and the electorate during the election campaign. We wish to lend our voices and our talents towards ensuring that these issues continue to be highlighted,” said MD Coordinator and Child Rights Network Convenor Romeo Dongeto.
Artists featured in the album include Nathan Abella and Rey Abella, Skarlet Brown, JL Burgos, Pendong Jr. and Chat Aban, Gising Diwa Collective, Rom Dongeto, Village Idiots, Santy Leonardo, Bong Ramilo, Talahib People’s Music, Sam Valdecantos, Dap-ayan ti Kultura iti Kordilyera, Kat Darling and Marben Romero, and MD Core Group.
“The goal of this collaborative work is simple: amid all the noise and muckraking dominating the election landscape, we must up the ante and make our collective calls reverberate – we want lasting change,” said iChange Coordinator Rio Magpayo, whose group also helped in the production of the album.
“Through the new songs, we want to weave a narrative of hope, a melody of unity that we hope can help our people appreciate the upcoming elections not as a moment of grandstanding and empty promises like before, but as a very important occasion for people to exercise their right to choose deserving leaders in government,” said We Effect Executive Director Jessica Soto.
“With the burgeoning disinformation campaign that has long been exposed as government-instigated, it is time for the people to take back the narrative. The May 2022 polls is a crucial event that will affect the country’s future in the face of worst economic downturn since World War II, failed government pandemic response, and widespread corruption and inefficiencies in government. We cannot lose sight during this crucial moment,” Soto added.
MD vows not only to get involved in the upcoming polls through the album’s launch but play an active role in the election campaign by creating content for social movements and to support patriotic, competent, and progressive candidates.
“We deserve better leaders. May MD’s songs empower the people at a time when we as a nation need it most,” Dongeto concluded.