
Stakeholders unite on food and nutrition security agenda for the next six years

July 24, 2016

July 25, 2016 With the support of World Food Programme (WFP)-Philippines, the Philippine Legislators’ Committee on Population and Development (PLCPD) hosted Convergence: for a food-secure and nourished future, an advocacy planning conference for food and nutrition security. Multi-sectoral representatives, including members of the executive and legislative branches of government as well as civil society organizations, […]

CRN and PAYO oppose lowering minimum age of criminal responsibility

July 23, 2016

July 15, 2016 Position Paper of the PHILIPPINE ACTION FOR YOUTH OFFENDERS (PAYO) and the CHILD RIGHTS NETWORK (CRN) on the LOWERING THE MINIMUM AGE OF CRIMINAL RESPONSIBILITY The Philippine Action for Youth Offenders (PAYO) and the Child Rights Network (CRN) vehemently oppose the proposal to lower the Minimum Age of Criminal Responsibility (MACR) from […]

PLCPD: No to bill lowering minimum age of criminal responsibility

July 8, 2016

July 8, 2016 The Philippine Legislators’ Committee on Population and Development (PLCPD) registered its opposition to the proposal to lower the minimum age of criminal responsibility (MACR), maintaining that such move violates children’s rights. PLCPD Executive Director Romeo Dongeto expressed grave concern about House Bill No. 2, which seeks to amend Republic Act 9344 or […]

PLCPD sees crucial role of Congress in achieving food and nutrition security in PH

June 21, 2016

June 20, 2016 The Philippine Legislators’ Committee on Population and Development (PLCPD) presented before stakeholders the results of an evaluative study on three landmark laws on food and nutrition security (FNS) in the Philippines. Conducted in partnership with the Institute for Strategic and Development Studies (ISDS) and with the support of World Food Programme (WFP) […]

PLCPD hosts learning session on 2017 budget for RPRH Law implementation

June 21, 2016

June 20, 2016 Various stakeholders from the legislative and executive branches, civil society, and faith-based organizations gathered last June 10 for “Improving Investments in Reproductive Health, A Learning Session on the Responsible Parenting and Reproductive Health Budget.” The Philippine Legislators’ Committee on Population and Development (PLCPD) organized the learning activity to inform stakeholders and exchange […]

New admin, Congress urged to end hunger and malnutrition

May 19, 2016

May 19, 2016   Advocacy group Philippine Legislators’ Committee on Population and Development (PLCPD) challenged President-elect Rodrigo Duterte and members of the incoming 17th Congress to prioritize ending hunger and malnutrition in the country. Speaking at the regular Pandesal Forum in Quezon City, PLCPD executive director Romeo Dongeto said that the next administration and Congress […]

PLCPD tours Benguet for best practices on food nutrition security

May 5, 2016

April 29, 2016 Six senior technical and legislative staff from the House of Representatives participated in the study tour on food and nutrition security organized by the Philippine Legisaltors’ Committee on Population and Development (PLCPD) in Benguet province, April 25-28. The two sites selected, provincial capital La Trinidad and municipality of Tublay, have been consistently […]

RH advocates demand bets to stand up for RH

April 28, 2016

April 22, 2016 Reproductive health advocates and leaders from various sectors joined voices to step up pressure on candidates to ensure the full implementation the Reproductive Health Law. In a press conference in Quezon City today, the Purple Ribbon for RH Movement – a broad coalition of groups and individuals who pushed for the enactment […]

Tinig ng bayan pakinggan, RH panindigan!

March 23, 2016

March 23, 2016 After more than one decade in the legislative mill, the Reproductive Health and Responsible Parenthood (RPRH) bill was enacted into law in December 2012. However, the struggle to provide reproductive health information and free family planning services continues as anti-RH forces weaken the implementation of the law. A recent Pulse Asia survey […]