Advocacy Update

New podcast episode: Kampanya sa Gitna ng Pandemya

October 6, 2021

How do vote-buying, cheating, and premature campaigning affect the quality of our elections and our future? What can we do to help minimize these? Listen to Ka Rene Cerilla of PAKISAMA, Kisha Beringuela of We Effect, and legal expert Atty. Benedict Nisperos share their experiences and thoughts on these issues.

New study reveals 1 in 7 Pinoy students aged 13-15 use e-cigarettes

September 23, 2021

Senate bill easing e-cig regulation set to worsen the problem – child rights group September 21—A new study monitoring youth tobacco use reveals worrying statistics on the prevalence of use, lax regulations, and wide availability of tobacco products including e-cigarettes, prompting child rights advocates led by the Child Rights Network (CRN) to reiterate their call […]

PLCPD and Plan International – Philippines sustain partnership to ensure that children are #SafeEverywhere

September 14, 2021

The Philippine Legislators’ Committee on Population and Development (PLCPD) and Plan International – Philippines signed a Memorandum of Agreement for their continuing partnership for the protection of children from sexual violence online and offline. A long-standing partnership for children’s rights Held on April 15, the ceremonial signing did not only signal a new partnership but […]