Call for applications: Consultant for the monitoring of the implementation of the RPRH Law

June 3, 2024
  • Date of posting: 3 June 2024
  • Deadline of submission: 21 June 2024

The Philippine Legislators’ Committee on Population and Development (PLCPD) Foundation, Inc., in partnership with the Disease Prevention and Control Bureau of the Department of Health, and with support of UNFPA Philippines, is looking for a consultant with an expertise on monitoring and evaluation, and technical writing to provide technical assistance to support the preparation of the 10th year report on the implementation of the Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health (RPRH) Law.

 This consultancy aims to generate technical inputs and guidance from available experts to:

  1. review and analyze of data on performance by each key result area of RPRH based on the previous RPRH reports, PIDS analysis and RPRH Implementation Review;
  2. assist in the development and finalization of the Strategies and Targets,  Implementation Modality and Monitoring & Evaluation sections of the RPRH Multi Sectoral Strategic Framework; and
  3. assist in the finalization of the 10th Annual Report of Accomplishments on RPRH Law Implementation according to ideal tone, voice, and messaging.

The Consultant will be hired to provide assessment and technical inputs as to assessment of the RPRH implementation to include planning, implementation, and reporting. This includes writing, content-editing, and copywriting support in the preparation and development of the RPRH Law Annual Report for submission to the Office of the President (OP) and the two houses of Congress.  The Consultant will perform the following tasks for the RPRH Law Report:

  1. Review the performance data submitted to the NIT secretariat and provide advice on how best to ensure completeness and validity of reports submitted;
  2. Write, edit and proofread the reports, ensuring adherence to acceptable style guides without altering the substance and format of the document;
  3. Consolidate, review and edit the submission of the leads for the KRAs;
  4. Coordinate with the KRA Focals to ensure logic, coherence, and consistency throughout the report and smooth transition in each of the KRAs and crosscutting sections;
  5. Copy-edit and provide analysis to the report; and
  6. Provide recommendations on how to improve the monitoring of the implementation of the RPRH law.

How to apply

Please refer to the Terms of Reference for details of the consultancy. Interested parties may submit their application with the following information:

  1. Narrative proposal and work plan reflecting the scope of work and expected outputs;
  2. Cost proposal; and
  3. Curriculum vitae showing evidence of competency to carry out the engagement;

Send your proposal to Mr. Romeo Dongeto, Executive Director of PLCPD, via email at not later than 21 June 2024.