Bangsamoro Parliamentarians seek to be a bridge between government and the people, form organization on population and development

Malate, Manila — A group of forward-thinking Bangsamoro Parliamentarians are launching today the Bangsamoro Parliamentarians’ Committee on Population and Development (BPCPD), a group that will champion human development legislation in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM).
“Amidst the transformation of the Bangsamoro towards political autonomy, there needs to be recognition of the role of human development in the economic and socio-political development of the region. The formation of the BPCPD marks the commitment of Bangsamoro parliamentarians in making the political transformation work for the people by championing policies by the people,” said Bangsamoro Transition Authority (BTA) Parliament Deputy Speaker Atty. Laisa Alamia, who was just elected Chairperson of the BPCPD.
“The Bangsamoro has experienced war and conflict for several decades. The cycle of violence and displacement has caused dire human development issues affecting civilians, especially the aged population, girls who experienced child marriage, and orphans of war. These vulnerable sectors bear the brunt of conflict and all their issues fall under population and development,” said MP Alamia.
“BARMM has also the highest stunting rate in the country. This affects the education indicators, from functional literacy to cohort survival rates, as well as other human development indices,” she added.
The new organization of parliamentarians is the BARMM counterpart to the Philippine Legislators’ Committee on Population and Development (PLCPD)—which advanced landmark national laws on Reproductive Health, Population Issues, Women’s Rights, and Children’s Rights. BPCPD will advocate for the same causes in the region.
“In this parliament, it is necessary to build development champions who represent what matters most to the Bangsamoro. This group of Bangsamoro parliamentarians commit to champion policy proposals for human development to improve the quality of life of the Bangsamoro people,” said PLCPD Executive Director Rom Dongeto.
“Strategically, it is important to have a formation of champions. In the experience of PLCPD, we were able to pass laws through our influencing work and human development champions influencing their peers. PLCPD served as an important bridge between the causes of interest groups from civil society and parliamentary work to help uplift the lives of the people. This will also be the role of BPCPD in the region,” Mr. Dongeto added.
Cognizant of the upcoming BARMM elections in a few years, MP Alamia said that even if they are no longer members of the Bansamoro Parliament, BPCPD will still act as an advocacy group that will conduct research, data gathering and analysis, and influencing work on human development issues, including environmental issues.
Elected Officers
Chairperson: MP Atty. Laisa M. Alamia
President: MP Dr. Kadil M. Sinolinding Jr.
Executive Vice President: MP Engr. Baintan A. Ampatuan
Secretary: MP Amilbahar S. Mawallil
Treasurer: MP Atty. Rasol Y. Mitmug Jr.
Other Members of the Board of Trustees:
MP Froilyn T. Mendoza
MP Atty. Ishak V. Mastura
MP Atty. Suharto M. Ambolodto
MP Diamila D. Ramos
MP Nurredha I. Misuari
MP Hashemi Nur Dilangalen